Capoeira Angola: Projeto Legado
(5-7yrs) (8-12yrs)
(5-7yrs) (8-12yrs)
“Capoeira de Angola can only be taught without forcing the person’s natural expression. The important thing is to take advantage of the free and individual movements of each person."
-Mestre Pastinha
-Mestre Pastinha

Are you looking for a class that not only gets your kids moving but also gives them the tools to create social change? Projeto Legado is a safe space for learning an active art and turning it into a tool for social/emotional transformation and development.
- Building physical and emotional equilibrium
- Art as a device for storytelling
- Developing a collective culture
- Non-violent conflict resolution
- Creating a safe space for play
Filipino Martial Arts: Elite Sticks
(8-12yrs) (13-16yrs)
(8-12yrs) (13-16yrs)

All the empowering and engaging elements of the Filipino martial arts in a curriculum tempered and designed specifically for young people. Elite Sticks is a great forum for building camaraderie while developing relevant self defense practices and the right mentality to navigate conflicts effectively and thoughtfully.
- Concrete and practical skill building
- Developing a practice of conflict transformation
- Cultural arts as a device for storytelling
- Creative expression through collaboration